Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Ugh the infamous "homeless period" at BYU.
My contract at my old apartment ran out, but the contract at the new apartment wasn't happenin' for like, 10 days. So I had 3 options. 

1. Sleep on someone's apartment floor for a week and work on campus.
2. Find someone's house to live in around Utah and not work.
3. Be homeless and work on campus while also making some spare change while begging.

Instead I chose Option 4, and flew home to BELLINGHAMMMMMM.

Things I did during my week in the motherland:

 1.) Played ping-pong on the Seattle waterfront with the homeless.
(Hempfest was going on...THAT was fun.)

2. Ate pho. My other lover.

3.) Walked around Artist's Point at Mount Baker.

 4.) Turned 20 and ate cake.

5.) Biked around Stanley Park in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

6.) Found creepy Asian statues. Canada, art?

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