Tuesday, September 3, 2013

First Day

I went to the wrong class.
I still can't find the right one.
Yes, I'm a junior, not a freshman.
But guess what! Sooooo I was walking out of my apartment complex really early this morning, and I was NOT looking forward to work cause it is crizazy right now at the beginning of the new semester and there's a bunch of new people that don't quite have the hang of things yet. 

Anyways, I was walking, and this guy comes up on a little motor bike and is like, "Wanna ride up to campus??" And I was likeeee hmmmm, "I don't want to get kidnapped, but you're really cute, and your bike is so ghetto I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be able to do a very good job of kidnapping me anyways. So yeah I'll get on your bike and let you drive me around." (I didn't actually say that.) So I did! (And his bike was so weird he had to pedal it around and then a motor would kick on.) And he was really nice, and turns out he grew up like an hour away from my hometown and played against my high school in soccer. And he played soccer for BYU.

Picture of me right after the blessed event.

So that was cool. And the rest of my horrible day didn't seem so bad.

Nice people are the nicest!